8 minute read

Perkembangan model AI belakangan ini membuat saya kagum. Bagaimana tidak? Baru beberapa tahun lalu saya mencoba beberapa model berikut:

  1. Image recognition menggunakan Google Vision AI.
  2. Komparasi image recognition antara Google Vision AI vs Microsoft Azure Vision AI.
  3. Komparasi optical character recognition yang terbaik antara Google Vision, Microsoft Azure Vision, dan Tesseract.

Ternyata model AI yang ada saat ini sudah melompat sedemikian jauhnya.

Berawal dari Instagram story rekan kantor saya yang mem-posting bagaimana ChatGPT bisa merangkum profil seseorang berdasarkan screenshot dari Instagram feeds.

Tak perlu menunggu waktu lama, saya coba langsung menggunakan screenshot dari Instagram feeds saya sendiri dan beberapa orang lain. Berikut hasilnya:

Instagram Pribadi

Berikut adalah hasilnya:

Based on the images in your Instagram feed, it appears that you have a strong interest in academic and professional development, particularly in the fields of data science, artificial intelligence, and business management. Here are some insights:

  1. Academic Engagement:
    • You seem to be involved in educational activities, such as attending or hosting guest lectures and virtual seminars. The topics you engage with include artificial intelligence and its applications in management.
    • You are connected to reputable institutions like the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), where you might have given or attended guest lectures, indicating a strong academic presence.
  2. Professional Development:
    • The feed includes content related to online courses, workshops, and user group meetings, such as “Kopdar User,” which suggests that you are continuously expanding your knowledge and skills in technical fields like programming (R and Python).
    • You are likely involved in communities or organizations that focus on professional growth, as indicated by the events and group activities.
  3. Data Analysis and Blogging:
    • There’s an emphasis on data analysis and interpretation, with graphs and statistics featuring prominently in your content. You might be actively sharing insights or conducting research in this area.
    • You may also run a blog or website where you discuss topics related to your professional interests, as suggested by the “Site overview” image showing blog metrics.
  4. Technology and Tools:
    • Your use of tools like Zoom for virtual meetings and your engagement with platforms that support blogging and statistical analysis indicate that you are tech-savvy and well-versed in using digital tools for both learning and teaching.

Overall, your Instagram feed portrays you as a dedicated professional with a strong focus on education, data science, and continuous learning, actively participating in both academic and community-oriented activities.

Menarik juga hasilnya. Saya akan coba menggunakan akun Instagram yang lainnya:

Instagram Presiden Jokowi

Berikut adalah hasilnya:

Based on the Instagram feed in the screenshot, this person appears to have a deep interest in Indonesian politics, national events, and state ceremonies. Here are some observations:

  1. Political Interest:
    • The posts prominently feature the President of Indonesia, indicating that the person closely follows the activities and appearances of the Indonesian leadership.
    • There are images of formal ceremonies, including meetings with foreign dignitaries and significant national events, suggesting an engagement with or admiration for Indonesia’s political landscape and state functions.
  2. National Pride:
    • Many of the posts are centered around patriotic themes, such as the Proclamation Ceremony and other national celebrations. This indicates a strong sense of national pride and a focus on key moments in Indonesia’s history and future.
    • The use of traditional attire and the depiction of historical events suggest an appreciation for Indonesian culture and heritage.
  3. State Events:
    • The feed includes visuals from major national events, such as military ceremonies and the raising of the national flag, which could indicate either participation in or a deep respect for these formal occasions.
  4. Leadership and Governance:
    • The individual might have a particular focus on leadership, governance, and the symbolism of state power, as reflected in the imagery of official events, state leaders, and ceremonial acts.

Overall, the person behind this Instagram feed seems to be someone who values Indonesian nationalism, has a keen interest in political affairs, and possibly holds a position or an active role in relation to state events or governance.

Menarik ya hasilnya.

Ide untuk Data Science Project

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